We all want amazing hair that’s full and healthy, but it can seem like an unattainable goal if your hair has started to thin. It can start to feel like a bit of a helpless situation, but just know that you’re not alone and you have so many options for treatment, as well as alternative hair.
Possible Causes
Before diving into a few different replacement options, we’re going to talk about why your hair may be thinning. There can be lots of different factors that can influence this, from your family history to stressful events.
Just like an eye color that’s handed down through family, heredity can be a major reason why your hair may be thinning. Unfortunately, it’s pretty unavoidable. You do have other options that we’ll touch on a bit later though.
Hormonal changes and medical conditions can also be another reason why bio hair starts to thin. This can be due to alopecia, medications, supplements, or medical treatments such as radiation therapy. You can also begin to lose hair after a very stressful time in your life and certain hairstyles/treatments can cause your hair to start thinning.
A few easy ways to prevent additional hair loss are to stop wearing tightly gathered hairstyles and avoid twisting your hair strands if it’s a nervous habit. Also if you smoke, consider stopping because it can really affect the health of your hair.
Along with these tips, try not to damage your existing hair. This means no excessive hair dying, brushing, overwashing, or skipping conditioner. Another thing to think about are the side effects from any medications that you might be taking because some medications can cause hair loss.
Another great way to prevent hair loss is to eat a healthy diet and make sure you’re eating enough protein. Not only is this just good for your health in general, but the hair is also primarily made of protein. We recommend talking to your doctor to see how much protein you should be eating based on your body’s needs.
Talk to your doctor, or schedule a visit with a Trichologist (a specialist in the hair and scalp), to talk about your experience, as well as taking a few supplements/vitamins. Multivitamins containing iron, vitamin C, vitamin B12, vitamin D, niacin, and biotin can all be great options for encouraging hair growth.
There are so many options to consider if you’re not happy with the current state of your hair. Although, it’s important to know that you’re great just the way you are. Self love is something that you can really dive into during this time and discover all of the reasons that you’re amazing, with or without hair.
However, if you’re interested in other options, you have several to choose from. You can try alternative hair systems or you can choose to investigate hair transplants. Hair transplants can be a painful option, so make sure it’s right for you and do your research before deciding on it.
Alternative hair systems, or wigs, can be great options for thinning hair. You can choose a full system that covers your whole head, or a partial unit that covers just the area of hair that’s thinning. Make sure you consult your experienced stylist to find the best option for you.
Hair systems can be much less commitment than a hair transplant, and you don’t need to go through a surgical procedure to get an amazing end result. Check out @sachhairextensions on Instagram to see how amazing a properly applied unit can look.
If you do choose to go with a hair system, make sure you find a stylist who is comfortable applying them. You can locate a skilled stylist that uses SACH & VOGUE HAIR products using our new Butterfly Tape in Hair Extensions resource. This compilation of stylists and salons will help find an option that’s close to you and is ready to help get the look you want.
For Stylists
If your clients are experiencing hair loss and you’re not sure what options are available to them, consider researching extensions, Reina toppers, and full wigs. You can find out more about these different options, as well as the different ways units can be constructed in our Web site.
Are you’re interested in learning the proper way to apply our all hair extensions and replacement systems? You can find specialized trainings from many different qualified stylists who are passionate about destigmatizing hair systems and making them a stylish and versatile option.
Have questions? Reach our amazing customer service department. They’re here to help our expert stylists get the most out of their products, as well as to assist with answering any questions that come up